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Ice Peaches - Ivory Peaches - White Peaches self-fertile tree.
For a good result, plant the seeds in autumn or spring directly in the final place. Do not germinate seeds in the house because it is not necessary. They germinate very well outside, especially if you plant them in autumn. If you plant them in the spring, you should water them more often in case it doesn't rain.
Water during planting and only when dry. In the spring, you should see it sprout and a new peach plant will grow. They are very good for compote, jam and fresh. It spreads easily from seed and if you don't collect all the fruits and leave them on the ground, you will have plenty of baby trees in your garden the following year. This variety only reaches 6 feet tall with plenty of fruit. It is easy to take care of it.
Their taste is sweet with a wonderful aroma. Nice to have it in your garden.
Ripe period: August – September
Color: Light yellow
This type of peach tolerant + 35 / – 28 degrees.
Degree of germination: 100% and very easy.